Mohammed bin Rashid Library offers many digital services for you to access before you visit. Our mobile app gives you access to the library via your mobile devices, including general information on the library, a personalised dashboard for members and augmented reality (AR) experiences for use within the library.Features:• Use the app as a guest OR registered user.• Search, sort, and filter various books in the library, request books, reserve books, and mark the title as a favourite.• Provide a personalised home page with your favourite titles, current and upcoming events, reserved titles, check out titles, books on your shelf, library recommendation and spaces.• Explore immersive experiences with experience books as never before and immersive spaces.• Augmented reality (AR) experiences for use within the library.• View new arrivals in the library, trending subjects, library recommendations, and picks based on your interest.• Set your preferred language in the my settings section in the More tab.• Visit different categories in more section to find your reservation, checkouts, events, preferences, profile details, library info, and happiness meter.• Visit the help section in the More tab to reach out to us.